Title and Authors | Proceedings | Presentation |
Realization and Test of a
0.25um Rad-Hard chip for ALICE ITS Data Acquisition Chain A. Gabrielli (Bologna University) D. Falchieri, E. Gandolfi |
A11 | |
Fast CMOS Transimpedance Amplifier and Comparator circuit for readout of silicon strip detectors at LHC experiments J. Kaplon (CERN) J. Bernabeu, W. Dabrowski, C. Lacasta, R. Szczygiel |
A12 | |
OTIS - A Radiation Hard TDC for LHCb U. Stange (Heidelberg University) H. Deppe, M. Feuerstack-Raible, U. Trunk, U. Uwer |
A13 | |
The ATLAS Pixel Front End Chip FEI in 0.25 μm Technology P. Fischer (Bonn University) |
A21 | |
DTMROC-S : Deep submicron version of the readout chip for the TRT detector in ATLAS V. Ryjov (JINR, Moscow and Lund University) F. Anghinolfi, P. Farthouat, P. Lichard, R. Szcygiel, N. Dressnandt, P.T. Keener, F.M. Newcomer, R. Van Berg, H.H. Williams, T. Akesson, P.Eerola |
A22 | |
System Performance of ATLAS SCT Detector Modules P. W. Phillips (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) |
A23 | |
Development of the Inner Tracker Detector Electronics for LHCb A. Vollhardt (Zurich University) |
A24 | |
80 Mbit/s Digital Optical Links for Control, Timing and Trigger of the CMS Tracker A-M Sandvik (CERN, Geneva) K. Gill, G. Dewhirst, R. Grabit, J. Troska, F. Vasey |
A25 | |
Results of early phase of series production of ATLAS SCT barrel hybrids and modules
Y.Ikegami (KEK) R.Apsimon, R.Brenner, J.Carter, A.Carter, D.Charlton, A.Ciocio, O.Dorholt, T.Ekelof,L.Eklund, K.Emoto, V.Fadeyev, M.Gibson, M.Gilchriese, A.Grillo, C.Haber, K.Hara, A.Ikeda, A.Ito,Y.Iwata, P.Jovanovic, Y.Kato, T.Kawachi, K.Kobayashi, T.Kohriki, T.Kondo, M.Kurita, S.McMahon, M.Minagawa, T.Miyamoto, T.Morinaka, M.Morrissey, E.Mulder, K.Nagai, I.Nakano,T.Ohsugi, P.Phillips, S.Pyatt, D.Robinson, F.Rosenbaum, A.Seiden, H.Sengoku, S.Shimma,N.Spencer, S.Stapnes, B.Stugu, R.Takashima, R.Tanaka, S.Terada, Y.Tomeda, M.Tyndel, Y.Unno |
A26 | |
Performance of the Beetle Readout Chip for LHCb S. Loechner (Max-Planck Institute, Heidelberg) N. van Bakel, M. van Beuzekom, E. Jans, S. Klous, H. Verkooijen, D. Baumeister, W. Hofmann, K.-Tasso Knöpfle, M. Schmelling, E. Sexauer, M. Feuerstack-Raible, U. Trunk, N. Harnew, N. Smale |
A27 | |
Design and Performance of the CMS Pixel Readout Chip H-C Kaestli (Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen) |
A28 | |
The CMS Microstrip Silicon Tracker System Tests N. Marinelli (Imperial College, London) |
A29 | |
Test and Evaluation of
HAL25 : the ALICE SSD Front-End Chip C. HU-GUO (IreS Strasbourg) D. Bonnet, J.P. Coffin, G. Deptuch, C. Gojak, J.R. Lutz, I. Valin, J.D. Berst, G. Claus, C. Colledani |
A31 | |
Status Report of the ATLAS SCT Optical Links J. Matheson (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) |
A32 | |
Radiation-Hard ASICs for Optical Data Transmission in the ATLAS Pixel Detector M. Zoeller (The Ohio State University, Columbus) |
A33 | |
microcable technology for the Alice silicon strip detector : a status
report A.P. de Haas (NIKHEF, Utrecht/Amsterdam) V. Borshchov, A. Boiko, S. Kiprich, L. Kaurova, S. Listratenko, G. Protsay, A. Reznik, V. Starkov, A. van den Brink, P. Kuijer, G.J.L. Nooren, C.J. OskampD. Bonnet, J.P. Coffin, C. Gojak, M. Guedon, J.R. Lutz, M. Bregant, L. Bosisio, P. Camerini, G.V. Margagliotti, N. Grion, M.J. Oinonen, Z. Radivojevic |
A41 | |
High Rate Photon Irradiation Test of an 8-Plane ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker Sector Prototype J. Valls (CERN) |
A42 | |
The Effect of Highly Ionising Events on the APV25 Readout Chip R. Bainbridge (Imperial College, London) |
A43 | |
Readout Control Unit of the Front End Electronics of the Time Projection Chamber in ALICE J. Lien (CERN) |
A44 | |
The Alice Silicon Pixel Detector
Readout System – Moving Towards System Integration R. Dinapoli (CERN) |
A45 | |
Front-End Hybrid for the CMS Silicon Tracker U.Goerlach (IreS Strasbourg) |
A46 | |
The CCU25: a network oriented Communication and Control Unit integrated circuit in a 0.25 μm CMOS technology C. Paillard (CERN, Geneva) |
A48 |
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