8th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments

Colmar, 9-13 September 2002



Title and Authors Proceedings Presentation

LHC Physics Goals explained for Engineers
P. Sphicas(CERN)

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LHC Beam Instrumentation Detectors and Acquisition Systems 
R. Jones (CERN)

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Trends in microelectrics and nanoelectronics and their impact on HEP instrumentation
P. Jarron

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Managing for Quality in the Electronics Industry
S. Kelly (Motorola)
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LHC DAQ Systems
S. Cittolin (CERN)
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First-level trigger systems at LHC
N. Ellis (CERN)
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Summary of the JCOP Workshop III
W. Salter (CERN)
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Radiation Assurance of LHC electronics
P. Farthouat (CERN)
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LHC Machine and Experiment Interface Issues
E. Tsesmelis (CERN)
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Grounding and Shielding Techniques for Large Scale Experiments
M. Johnson (Fermilab)
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Trends in high speed, low power Analog to Digital converters
L. Dugoujon (STMicroelectronics, Grenoble)
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Distributed Processors allow revolutionary Hardware / Software partitioning
. Brelet (Xilinx Inc Sophia Antipolis)  
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Technology Transfer
R. Amendolia (CERN)
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Timing Distribution at the LHC
B. Taylor (CERN)
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