The purpose of the workshop was to review the electronics for LHC experiments and to identify and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics within and between the different LHC experiments and to promote collaboration in the engineering and physics communities involved in the LHC activities.
The program of the workshop included both invited plenary talks and parallel working groups for contributed papers. The focus of the workshop was research and recent developments concerning the design, prototyping, testing and integration of electronics in the following domains:
- Electronics for Trackers
- Electronics for Calorimeters
- Electronics for Muon Detectors
- Optical Links
- Power Systems, Cooling and Detector Cabling
- Testing and Quality Assurance
- Trigger Electronics
- Detector Control Systems
- Data Acquisition
The welcome address was given by Geoff Hall, chairman of the programme committee, and by Leo Wiggers, chairman of the local organising committee.
P1 Chaired by Geoff Hall :
- Overview of Scientific Activities at NIKHEF, by Karel Gaemers and Arjen van Rijn, NIKHEF.
- An Overview of the Status of the LHC Experiments, by Mario Calvetti, University of Florence.
- Trends and Perspectives in Deep Submicron Circuit Design, by Bram Nauta, University of Twente.
- Delivering VLSI chips to HEP Experiments, by Alessandro Marchioro, CERN.
P2 Chaired by Michael Letheren :
- Fine-pitch Bump-bonding Interconnect Technology, by Ilkka Suni, VTT Centre for Microelectronics.
- Control Systems in the LHC Experiments, by Joseph Rothberg, University of Washington.
P3 Chaired by Jorgen Christiansen :
- CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS), by Renato Turchetta, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
- Radiation Effects in Field Programmable Gate Arrays, by Jih-Jong Wang, Actel Corp.
P4 Chaired by Emilio Petrolo :
- Cooling of Electronics in Collider Experiments, by Richard Stanek, FNAL.
- Cabling of the ATLAS Experiment, by Mark Hatch, CERN.
P5 Chaired by Geoff Hall :
- System-level Design Technology for Low-power Wireless Multimedia Systems, by Rudy Lauwereins, Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum (IMEC), Leuven.
- R&D for future Collider Experiments, by Peter Sharp, CERN
The two parallel working groups focused on the system design issues involved in the electronics for:
- Electronics for Calorimeters (Chairmen: Michael Letheren and Jorgen Christiansen)
- Radiation-hard Electronics (Chairman: Jorgen Christiansen)
- Electronics for Trackers (Chairmen: Geoff Hall and Stephen Quinton)
- Optical Links (Chairman: Stephen Quinton)
- Quality Assurance (Chairman: Emilio Petrolo)
- Electronics for Muon Detectors (Chairmen: Emilio Petrolo and Fabio Formenti)
- Data Acquisition Systems (Chairmen: Jorgen Christiansen and Stephen Quinton)
- Trigger Electronics (Chairmen: Michael Letheren and Wesley Smith)
- Power Systems and Racks (Chairman: Peter Sharp)
The posters session was chaired by Stephen Quinton.
Companies exhibiting were CAEN SpA, Viareggio, Italy and W.I.E.N.E.R. Plein &Baus GmbH, Burscheid-Hilgen, Germany
The workshop was sponsored by:
- CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
- NIKHEF, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Foundation for High-Energy Physics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Foundation for Conferences and Summer Schools in Nuclear Physics, Soest, the Netherlands.
- CAEN SpA, Viareggio, Italy.
- W.I.E.N.E.R. Plein & Baus Gmbh, Burscheid-Hilgen, Germany.
The tenth workshop is expected to take place in Boston, U.S.A., in September 2004.
Further information will be made available in due course on the World Wide Web.
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