PROCEEDINGS of the Sixth Workshop 
on Electronics for LHC Experiments
Kraków, Poland,   11 - 15 September 2000


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The sixth in this series of workshops on Electronics for LHC Experiments was organised for the CERN LHCC Electronics Board by the Faculty of Physics & Nuclear Techniques of the University of Mining & Metallurgy and the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland.

The workshop was held on September 11-15, 2000 in the Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques.

Michal Turala (Chairman) CERN / Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow
Catherine Decosse CERN
Wladyslaw Dabrowski Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Zbyszek Hajduk Institute of Nuclear Physics 
Danuta Kisielewska Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Jan Kulka Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Piotr Malecki Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow
Grzegorz Wrochna Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw
Peter Sharp (Chairman) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory / CERN
Pierre Borgeaud CEA DAPNIA Saclay
Francesco Corsi Politecnico di Bari
Jorgen Christiansen CERN
Philippe Farthouat CERN
Fabio Formenti CERN
Geoff Hall Imperial College
Michael Letheren CERN
Emilio Petrolo INFN Rome
Steve Quinton Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Veljko Radeka Brookhaven National Laboratory
Michael Schmelling Max Planck Institute Heidelberg
Wesley Smith University of Wisconsin
Giorgio Stefanini CERN
Michal Turala CERN / Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow
Wojciech Bialas Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Catherine Decosse CERN
Wieslaw Iwanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow
Anne Johnson Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Bartek Kisielewski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow
Jan Kulka Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Jolanta Olszowska Institute of Nuclear Physics
Elzbieta Olszynska Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Maria Mielnik Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow
Marcin Wolter Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow
Antoni Dydejczyk Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Piotr Golonka Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Piotr Grasela Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Piotr Gronek Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Marcin Opoka Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Andrzej Skoczen Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Tomasz Wolak Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Adam Chmielinski Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Adam Cieslak Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Magdalena Kulakowska Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Andrzej Pazdzierko Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Catherine Decosse CERN
Marek Idzik Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow
Anna Kaczmarska Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow
Mariusz Sapinski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow

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